About Us

About Us

IDEAL Process and Automation was founded in 2015, based in Australia and is an independent importer and wholesaler of the highest quality Industrial Automation Electronic Equipment for all industries, including Oil & Gas, Renewable Energy, Power and Transport Infrastructure, Water and Waste Water, Food and Beveridge, Automotive, Mining and Minerals Processing, Pulp and Paper and High-Speed Manufacturing.

IDEAL Process and Automation was founded in 2015, based in Melbourne and is an independent distributor of the highest quality Industrial Automation and Networking Hardware for all industries, including Oil & Gas, Renewable Energy, Traditional Power and Transport Infrastructure, Water and Waste Water, Food and Beveridge, Automotive, Mining and Minerals Processing, Pulp and Paper and Manufacturing.

We supply original and genuine brands in new, surplus, and refurbished condition to cater for your requirement for the latest hardware currently in production by the major manufacturers and to cater for difficult to source, hardware which is no-longer in production. We aim to offer our valued clients reliable automation equipment, fast response and delivery times to minimize your downtime, while offering excellent customer service. At IDEAL Process and Automation, we source our products through various independent international channels, including independent partner suppliers, and miscellaneous resellers. Please note that we are not an Authorized Distributor or affiliated with manufacturers such as Rockwell - Allen Bradley, Emerson, Fanuc, Omron, Panasonic, Schneider, Siemens, or any other listed brands. We take pride in providing reliable solutions independently. Choose IDEAL Process and Automation.